
Main Task

The steering system is a crucial system for driver handling. Hence you will design the system to structurally last but also according to driver preferences. The steering system kinematics is also highly linked to the car dynamics so you will collaborate a lot with vehicle dynamics. Including fields of subjects are mainly mechanics and transmissions.

Your Profile

Since the system is complex and includes a lot of moving parts which will experience both load and stress, you should have proficient skills in CAD and in solid mechanics. You should have great communication skills in order to create a well designed steering system.

Recommended Courses

Here is a list of recommended courses which are good to have read before applying for this position. Notice that this is not a requirement.

Here is a list of recommended courses which are good to have read before applying for this position. Notice that this is not a requirement.

FMEA30, Mechanics
MMTF15, Workshop Practice
MMEF05, Transmissions
FHLF15 Solid Mechanics
FKMA01 Materials Engineering


Want to know more about this position or do you have any questions? Feel free to contact some of our alumni to find out their advice and thoughts!

Simon Håkansson, LFS20