Control Units

Main Task

The control units are the bridge between the car’s hardware and the software running on them. On our car there are a few different control units for example the ones controlling the dashboard, sensor inputs and for control of actuators around the vehicle. In this role you will be responsible for the embedded electronics design for the cards, from schematic to finished circuit board.

Your Profile

You should have an interest in embedded electronics. Both hardware design, assembly, verification, and testing. You have some experience working with microcontrollers, for example Arduino, and/or other hobby electronics.

Recommended Courses

Here is a list of recommended courses which are good to have read before applying for this position. Notice that this is not a requirement.

ESSF15, Electrical Engineering (Elenergiteknik)
ESSF10, Metrology (Mätteknik)
EITP15, Printed Circuit Board and Prototyping (Kretskortsdesign och Prototypkonstruktion)
EITF70, Computer Organization (Datorteknik)
ESSF01, Analogue Circuits (Analog elektronik)
EEMN05, EMC, Noise and Noise Reduction (EMC, störningar och störningsbegränsning)


Want to know more about this position or do you have any questions? Feel free to contact some of our alumni to find out their advice and thoughts!

Sepehr Tayari & David Karlsson, LFS20
Martin Gemborn Nilsson & Olle Hedbrant, LFS19